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Writer's pictureKami MacIver

What's Saving My Life vol. 1

This is a fun practice that I've learned from some of my favorite online follows, but I've seen it all over the internet. My favorites are episodes from The Lazy Genius and Emily P. Freeman. Here, I'll share 10 things that are saving my life (life savers, if you will) from little gadgets to rhythms and routines in hopes that they might help your life be more purposeful and peaceful too.

MacIver family at the Healy Ice Pit Kami MacIver Photography

Here's 10 Things Saving My Winter Life, 2024

  1. My daily planner. I cannot start this list, this series, without telling you about my absolute favorite planner. One benefit to having a December birthday is that right after the rush after the holidays I'm hit with January Energy! My mom has been gifting me this planner for years and I LOVE it. It has daily to do lists, places for birthdays, room for notes. I don't need a habit tracker, but the daily to do list space is my favorite.

  2. Sourdough Bread. My sister-in-law Elle gifted me sourdough starter and tools in January of 2023, and I officially hit one year of baking with sourdough! I don't know if I will be able to keep up in the summer, but it's my current rhythm to not buy any store bought bread. We all love it. The girls call it "Mommy Bread" and we can easily go through a loaf in a day if I let them.

  3. Charging my phone upstairs. For Lent, as an experiment, I've made two changes with my relationship with my phone. For starters, for the most part, I've kept Instagram and Facebook apps off of my phone and re-downloaded the app when I've needed to use them. Secondly, and I've never done this before... I've begun charging my phone at night upstairs in my kitchen. The first week that I didn't have my phone charging next to my bed, I read a full book by just reading a few minutes each night.

  4. This cute book light. When I was a kid, my family was in the process of a home study for fostering and adopting. I was probably 10 or 11 at the time and my memory serves that they asked if I ever hid anything from my parents or broke any rules. I shyly confessed that I often stay up under my covers reading much later than my parents said I should. The home study worker laughed and I was off the hook. But bringing this book light back into my game has resurrected my reading life!

  5. The Slidebox App. With Facebook and Instagram off my phone, I've found myself with scrolling tendencies that want to feel productive! This app is a great way to quickly sort through photos and favorite, organize into albums and delete images. You do it with an easy swipe and I've deleted almost 4,000 images in a month. (!!!) There's a free version, but upgrading to the paid version has been worth it for me!

  6. Let's Read the Gospels Podcast. Man, I love this podcast and am so sad that it is ending in April/May! I've listened to nearly every episode as the host Annie F. Downs goes through each gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) each month and I've been so glad to have that rhythm in my life for this last year. You can get the guided journal on Amazon.

  7. My Plants. I love plants, like really really love them. I have ZZ Plants, spider plants, monsteras, and more. My plants were severely neglected during Christmastime and I'm working on bringing them back to life! I ordered this plant food from Happy Happy Houseplants and am eager to see if it works!

  8. Sorting laundry by kid. Hear me out. You may all be doing this already, but it has been a GAME. CHANGER. for me! I have a laundry hamper with a section for each kid and just do their load when it's mostly full. Then, when it's dry, straight to their drawers it goes. Previously I would do a load of "kid laundry" then sort it into so. many. piles. to go into their drawers organized. No more, my friends, no more.

  9. Everyday movement. I have been using our indoor bike for many many days in 2024! This is the most consistent I've moved my body in years. I haven't noticed a single difference on the scale, but a huge difference in my overall health. It has been good for me!

  10. My favorite bird feeders. These bird feeders are the absolute BEST and I have spent many a winter morning watching the birds! There was one morning that there were SO many birds that I actually FaceTimed my mom to show her just how many there are. Ahh, getting older. When the birds are such an important part of your day. But really, try the bird feeders.

That's it!! Ten things that are saving my life in the quarter one of 2024. I'd love to hear what's saving your life right now...

Thanks for reading,


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